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Scientific Direction

Scientific Measurements Panel (SciMP)

The Scientific Measurements Panel (SciMP) contributed information and advice on handling of ODP samples and data and on methods and techniques used for all shipboard and downhole measurements and experiments.


"SciMP will provide advice on ODP information related to scientific measurements made onboard JOIDES Resolution and alternate platforms, within and around boreholes, and on samples collected by ODP and associated programs. Its specific mandates are to develop policies concerning said measurements and to furnish advice about scientific measurements, which will assist SCICOM and OPCOM in the formulation of annual and long term plans. Specific responsibilities for the panel are publications, databases, curation, computers, shipboard equipment usage and needs, measurement calibrations and standards, and borehole measurements, equipment, usage, and needs.

SciMP recommendations will be sent to OPCOM. The SCICOM Chair will decide whether these are operational or scientific issues. If purely operational, the recommendations will go directly from OPCOM to JOI for action. If having scientific or budgetary implications, the recommendations will be passed to SCICOM for consideration."


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